Letter for My 9 Years Old Son to Encarg Hin in School

Brandi has been publishing her words online since 2002, receiving much inspiration from her kids and a desire to live a rich, healthy life.

Love Letters To My Kids

I wrote these love letters to my kids for Valentine's Day. It is a tradition I plan to repeat every year and give to them when they are grown.

Love letters are traditionally written for a spouse or significant other, but they can be penned for anyone who holds a special place in your heart. For me, that special place is filled with love for my 5 amazing children. The following letters were written by me to each of my blessings. It is my desire for them to know how much they are loved.

I hope these love letters will inspire you to write letters to your own children. Above anything else you can give them these letters. To know they are loved is the best thing they will ever receive.

Being a Mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it wanders wherever your children go.


A Love Letter To My Oldest Son

Dear B,

When God gave you to me, He knew I would need you. He gave us 6 amazing years together, just you and me and your Dad. When your sister finally came along, you were so happy to finally be a big brother. You held her and read to her and couldn't wait to teach her everything you knew. Now that she is almost 6 years old, you don't always get along, but I know you still love her...and your other 3 siblings as well. You have always been an amazing brother.

You fill my days with chatter and questions I never knew an 11-year old would ask...but then again, you've always been smarter than you should be. You challenge me in so many ways and you teach me about things I never knew I'd be interested in. You dive into your school work and you soak it all in. You're like a sponge. And I love to see the way that you light up when you learn something new and interesting.

This year, you grew to be taller than me. I didn't know that would happen so soon. I have such mixed feelings about the man you are becoming. I am so proud of you for being smart and loving and courageous. But I'm not ready for you to be so grown up already. I see the little boys wearing clothes that you wore not so long ago and I remember you as a small child. You loved to crawl into bed with me in the morning and play with my hair. You loved to sing songs, read your bible, and recite your favorite books before bed. You taught yourself to read when you were just three!

I can't tell you how much of my heart you fill, but I can tell you I would be empty without you. I feel like we grew up together. I was only 22 when you were born. There is something very special about the relationship that we have. I hope that I have been a good Mom to you. I know that I have not been a perfect mom all of the time. Sometimes it's hard to be the oldest child (I know, because I was one). Your parents are learning how to be parents. I know I have learned a lot raising you and I know I will continue to learn. You still have so much to teach me about being a good parent.

I just wanted you to know how much I love you on this Valentine's Day, 2012. My world is so much better because you are here. I can't imagine my life without you being a part of it. Thank you for being an amazing son. Thank you for helping me so much with your chores and when I need assistance with the other kids. Thank you for being patient with me and for accepting my apologies with grace when I haven't been patient with you.

You are incredible. Never forget that. And never forget that I am always here when you need me. I love you, Buddy!




A Love Letter To My First Daughter

Dear A,

I dreamed of you for so long. For 5 years, I thought you would never come, but God finally brought you into our life. You were so worth the wait!

The nurses brought you to me with a tiny pink bow in your hair. I had never seen anything more beautiful in the entire world. You made our family feel complete. Little did I know that in the next 4 years, God would give us 3 more babies and you would be such an amazing big sister. You are always there to help me feed and change and cuddle the little ones. You have an inate ability to be nurturing and loving.

Read More From Wehavekids

I have to admit, you're more stubborn and hard-headed than I ever knew a child could be. Your Papa says I was the same way, so I guess it's only fair. This toughness will be an asset to you as you grow older, but I pray it will not become a stumbling block in your life. I know my own stubborn tendencies have caused me some trouble over the years.

You are strong and beautiful and you have such a sweet heart. This year on Christmas Eve, you wrapped up a box full of your own jewelry and hair bows and gave it to me. Standing there in front of our extended family, you said very proudly: "I'm giving you this because I know that Christmas is not about the gifts we give, it's about LOVE." I was so shocked to hear those words come out of the mouth of a 5-year old and you made me cry in front of everyone. I will never forget that night. You have already learned the greatest lesson of all. I pray that you will never forget that.

My relationship with you is so different than what I have with the boys. Sometimes we clash, but I think that's just a girl thing. I hope that you know that I love you so incredibly much. My life would be empty without you. You make me smile and laugh every day. You make me so proud of you in everything you do. You make my heart do flip-flops when I see you helping with the little ones or dancing around the house. I love that you are such a girly-girl, but you can really hold your own with the boys. And you can climb a tree with the best of them. You are everything that is good in this world.

I hope you are proud to have me as your Mom. I know I haven't always been a great mom, but I want to be. I promise I will try hard every day to make you proud of me. Because I am so proud to call you my daughter. I love you, Sweetheart!




A Love Letter To My Middle Child

Dear J,

The day I found out you would be joining our family was such a happy one! I couldn't believe that God was going to bless me with another child and I couldn't wait to hold you in my arms. From the day you were born, you have been so laid back and quiet. You slept through the night so quickly, didn't ever cry and loved when I sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star...your little face would just light up every time you heard that song! And you still love when I sing to you.

I love everything about you. You are so wonderful in so many ways. You have a natural gift for music and could hum songs back to me when you were 9 months old. You are so smart and you have learned so much from your brother and sister...sometimes I can't believe you're not even 4 years old yet! You can already spell and write your name, you know your alphabet and you know all your numbers up to 20. I'm so proud of you!

But besides being smart, you have the sweetest heart and I love how you wake up earlier than everyone else just so you can snuggle with me before everyone else wakes up. I love how you take care of your baby sister. You are her favorite and I love how she laughs when you play with her. She saves that laugh for you!

Sometimes you feel sad and it hurts my heart to see you like that. I know it's hard to be the middle child and I always try to give you extra love and extra time. I hope you never feel like you are treated differently or less. I know it's hard to not be the baby anymore, but it's also hard to not be big enough to do some of the things your older siblings do.

Just know that you are loved deeply and completely. Your smile lights up my life! I look forward to every day I wake up and see your precious face. I love watching you learn and play. I love that you are Lion Boy, Super Hero Extraordinaire. And I love that you are my child the most.

God gave me a special gift when He gave you to me and I'm so glad that he chose me to be your Mom. I love you, My J!




A Love Letter To My Baby Boy

Dear C,

My sweet boy, you have been such a joy in my life. You were born into our family in the peaceful quiet of an early winter morning. Your daddy was the very first to hold you, lifting you out of the warm water of the birth tub. Having you at home was the most amazing experience of my entire life. Less than an hour after you were born, I was snuggling with you in front of our warm woodstove.

You were such a quiet, happy baby...always so content to just be held and loved and cared for. You never cried, just called out patiently when you needed me. A dream baby, for sure!

Now that you are older and coming into your own, you are not so quiet! But you are even more loveable every day. You are growing out of being a baby and you are starting to work your way in with the older kids. But I love that you still crawl up on my lap and suck on your thumb while we snuggle. You also just got your big boy bed and I am so proud that you know how to stay in it! You are just the right mix of independence and sweetness and I can't wait to see the young man you grow up to be.

You are my 4th child, but loved equally and infinitely. Some people think that a mom can't love more than one or two children, but you have proven to me beyond doubt that love expands and cannot be diminished. There will never be an end to my love for you, baby boy. Keep smiling and laughing...you bring me pure joy! I love you so much!




A Love Letter To My Baby Girl

Dear M,

My sweet baby girl, where do I start? I look at you and every part of me melts. You are so beautiful and shiny bright. Your happiness radiates and fills me up until I can't help but laugh out loud at the joy you bring to me!

You are at that perfect age between newborn and toddler. You are learning so many things all at the same time: clapping, talking, walking, eating...so many things that make me so proud of you! I can tell when you are taking something in, you focus so deeply so you can imitate it and charm us with just one more of your magnificent talents!

Baby girl, you remind me that every day is full of blessings. You don't notice when things get chaotic or tense or messy...you just smile because it's all good for you! You inspire me to find the good in everything, to try for a moment to see the world through your eyes...full of wonder and beauty and good.

I love that you still rely on me for everything...it's so nice to be needed that way. But I love that you are starting to spread your wings...test the waters...and I know soon you will be off with the big kids and I will be left to watch you grow and become your own.

You are thoroughly loved, deep to the recesses of my heart. I will always be here, now and forever, whenever you need someone who will be there no matter what. You will always be my baby girl. I love you, Darling!



A Love Letter To Me From My Daughter


My 5-year old daughter dictated this sweet letter to my son to write down for me. This is why "Mom" is my favorite name and the best thing I will ever do!

A funny note: Notice that it's also for her dad! :)

Everyday Love Letters

I love the book Lunch Box Letters: Writing Notes of Love and Encouragement to Your Children because it reminds me that my children need to hear words of love from me every day, not just on their birthday or Valentine's Day. We should encourage and lift up our kids daily because they are bombarded with discouragement from the world around them. Be a constant source of positive energy and love!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2012 Brandi

Will you write love letters to your kids this year?

katto ladisrous on July 25, 2019:

can you get some book and bibles for children in uganda .


Varsha on April 02, 2018:

My daughter always wrote a letter to parents. Today my daughter asked me to write a letter to her. I was blank, confused, what should I write. I know everything about her life and she makes my life beautiful complete but how to express my feeling to her it was quite difficult but when I visited this site it helps me a lot to express my feelings with help of letter. After reading this letter might be she will be happy.

B-man on October 03, 2017:

I need to now how to write a love note to my girlfriend

Sad on August 18, 2017:

How do you write a letter to a child a daughter that you think does not love you

Messias Rosario on May 15, 2017:

great love... its good to hear it from mom or parents. wishes...

Deborah Demander from First Wyoming, then THE WORLD on January 22, 2017:

This is such a great idea. I can't believe that I never thought of doing this for my children. I send them cards in the mail every month. I think for the next one, they will all get love letters.

Thanks for writing, and for the wonderful idea.


Farid on October 27, 2016:

I stumbled upon this page. Real inspiration. All set to write my own letters to my daughter who is away to her college.

Thanks for the inspiration

Amy on June 17, 2016:

I really enjoyed your article. Writing letters like this to your children provides positive communication and high self esteem. It was beautifully written!

asereht1970 from Philippines on June 19, 2014:

Great lens. Thank you for sharing your letters with us.

Radgrl on March 16, 2014:

Beautiful lens! Thanks for sharing!

teelover on March 12, 2014:

Love your lens!!! Thanks for sharing!

Tasha Marie from Mahomet, Illinois on March 01, 2014:

Just Beautiful! GREAT Lens! Blessings!

lewisgirl on February 14, 2014:

Beautifully written. I send love gifts to my grandchildren all the time. I talk to my children often and have always made sure they know I love them. They are truly blessings! Great lens!

GrammieOlivia on February 14, 2014:

This is a lovely idea and one that I have done for my children before we "gave" them away to be married and starting their own "love stories!"

julieannbrady on February 14, 2014:

I have no kids, but I do have 3 nieces and 4 great nieces and 2 great nephews! I love love letters and it's great that you have captured yours for posterity!

Tricia Deed from Orlando, Florida on September 16, 2013:

How beautiful and sweet.

Kay on May 20, 2013:

I love this idea! We do leave little love notes for each other. Beautiful!

webmavern on March 08, 2013:

Beautiful lens and a wonderful idea!

mlhchicago on February 28, 2013:

Love this idea!!

mumsgather on February 27, 2013:

What a beautiful idea. I think I should go write some too!

Vikki from US on February 21, 2013:

Gosh...so so beautiful. #blessed

Mamabyrd from West Texas on February 20, 2013:

Oh my goodness this is the first lens that has ever made me cry. I struggled to conceive my children. They have been such a huge blessing. This is an amazing idea. Once I dry these tears up!! :-) I'm going to sit down and right a letter to each of them for their memory books.

TapIn2U on February 16, 2013:

This got me teary-eyed! The letters are very touching. You have a big heart and your kids are adorable. Fantastic lens! Sundae ;-)

Margaret Schindel from Massachusetts on February 14, 2013:

Brandi, thank you for sharing these truly beautiful and very personal gifts to your children. I'm sure they cherish them now and will only cherish them all the more as they grow older. What a wonderful mom you are! Hugs and Happy Valentine's Day. :)

Helene-Malmsio on February 13, 2013:

»-(¯`v´¯)-» . . »-(¯`v´¯)-» . . »-(¯`v´¯)-»

Happy Valentine Day!

All the very best to you and your loved ones, from me and mine!



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Helene Malmsio aka. SCSS

enrich-self-study on February 10, 2013:

<3 beautiful

mindtrip88 on February 01, 2013:

I love this idea, now I know what I'll be doing for my daughter. Thanks for sharing :)

Peter Badham from England on February 01, 2013:

That is so sweet. They will love them when they are older.

Laurabpeterson on January 29, 2013:

I love this. I've thought of writing to my kids a lot (and have journaled a letter to my oldest) but haven't done it. I'm inspired now! Thanks!

ChroniclesofaWa on January 28, 2013:

I love that you made a love letter to your kids. They will surely love to read this over and over again,. :)

TheGamerGeek LM on January 26, 2013:

Amazing! I'll try this very soon. Thanks for sharing.

Amy Trumpeter from Oxford on January 21, 2013:

What a lovely idea!

barberrela on January 19, 2013:

What a beautiful and moving lens. My children are older now, but I am going to sit down and write them letters for Valentine's Day.

knitstricken on January 11, 2013:

Your kiddos are lucky to have you for a mama! May you continue to write letters to them throughout their lives.

101PRODUCTREVIEWS on December 21, 2012:

I like this lens, Squidlike!

Moon Hunter on October 27, 2012:

Thanks for sharing. I did this so well for my oldest at first, but fell down on the job when the next two came along! I need to start again.

justmelucy on October 14, 2012:

Great Lens. I have written love letters to all of my 5 children and 2 grandchildren. I saved everything from hair to all their teeth and tooth fairy notes. We celebrate each birthday by viewing their baby album and additional keepsakes. Once married they get to have them to keep. I also keep a journal for each of them. I love your idea of the lens to share the love letters. You have a very special unique heart.

Viola Horne on October 04, 2012:

Very nice lens! Thanks for sharing your sweethearts with us!

indigomoth from New Zealand on September 24, 2012:

My father never missed a Valentines when I was growing up. I still have every letter he left.

StewartClan on September 10, 2012:

This is so lovely, such a great idea. I am so going to do this for my kids now!

awakeningwellness on September 02, 2012:

This is so sweet and inspirational, I know that your kids will cherish those letters forever.

Brandi (author) from Maryland on September 02, 2012:

@djroll: Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! I loved writing these letters to my kids and I plan on doing it every year...I hope it inspires other parents to do the same! :)

Subject: Squidoo: You have new comments!

djroll on September 01, 2012:

I'm speechless - this is so beautiful. Thank your for sharing your special love for your children with us.

Brandi (author) from Maryland on August 26, 2012:

@Rosetta Slone: I know they will treasure them! :)

Subject: Squidoo: You have new comments!

Rosetta Slone from Under a coconut tree on August 21, 2012:

Just beautiful. You've inspired me to write my own love letter to my son.

Kae Yo on July 19, 2012:

This is so beautiful! I cried with the first one... I'll have to come back for the next ones. Thanks for sharing. I am going to have to start writing love letters to my kids now :) Thank you so, so much!

Melissa Miotke from Arizona on July 08, 2012:

Sooo sweet! I write love letters to my babies too! Thanks for such a touching lens:)

lizholy on June 23, 2012:

Wow, wow, wow... You have definitely inspired me to write love letters to my own six kids. God bless you much for sharing.

victoriuh on April 05, 2012:

Aw, this made me cry, especially the letter to your first daughter. I prayed for a little girl that wouldn't let everyone walk over her, and boy, was I answered! I hope, like you, that it will only be an asset to her as she grows and not a stumbling block.

anonymous on April 02, 2012:

wow, it felt as my tears coming down. you have wonderful children, May God bless u and your family

mary lighthouse15 on March 12, 2012:

Woderful love letters! I like them a lot!

Jim Sterling from Franklin, Tennessee on March 02, 2012:

This is a wonderful lens. Telling your children how much you love them is important throughout each day but putting it in writing for them to be able to look at whenever they want is invaluable. Thank you for this.

Shannon from Florida on February 26, 2012:

What a lovely idea! I may try to do this sometime. Liked.

anonymous on February 24, 2012:

What a lovely thing to do, it's something all parents should do

flicker lm on February 19, 2012:

Very moving. What a wonderful idea to write love letters to your children! I'm sure they will cherish them through the years.

ronaldpakasi on February 16, 2012:

Wow...these letters are wonderful! I think you are a great mother! :)

Beverly Rodriguez from Albany New York on February 14, 2012:

I've often thought of writing a letter to my children. Now, I think I'll do it. Beautiful lens.

RomanticMe on February 13, 2012:

Beautiful letters, you're an inspiration!

arunadavis on February 13, 2012:

What an inspiring lens! Glad I bumped into it today. Lovely kids and such loving letters!

Nathalie Roy from France (Canadian expat) on February 13, 2012:

I want to do it! A love letter to my kids will be a real gift they can keep for all their life. Such an amazing idea!

Virginia Allain from Central Florida on February 13, 2012:

I hope your page inspires many parents to get out some paper and write a special letter to their children. What a treasure these will be over the years. They can get them out to reread when they need to feel your love.

RinchenChodron on February 13, 2012:

How different my life would have been if my parents had thought of this! What a treasure to keep. Thanks for touching my heart and breaking it open!

Kathryn Grace from San Francisco on February 13, 2012:

Doubtful. But I will cherish every minute I am fortunate enough to spend with them and their children.

Fay Favored from USA on February 13, 2012:

Had to come back and see the changes. From a middle kid, "thanks" for the love letter :)

Fay Favored from USA on February 11, 2012:

Came back to tell you I added this lens to my PS I Love you lens. Hope it's ok.

Fay Favored from USA on February 06, 2012:

What a lovely thought. I hope you made copies to put in your kids scrapbooks. And I have to speak up for little J the middle child. Please write more for him. Middle kids need it more. :)

gottaloveit2 on February 06, 2012:

What a lovely tribute page. Blessed.

Close2Art LM on February 04, 2012:

great page, wonderful job.

LisaDH on February 04, 2012:

What a beautiful idea! I have an 11-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter, and some of the things you wrote to your older kids are things I would also say to mine. Very sweet.

MBradley McCauley on February 04, 2012:

Very eye and heart appealing. Nice job.

Inkhand on February 04, 2012:

A lovely lens.

Letter for My 9 Years Old Son to Encarg Hin in School

Source: https://wehavekids.com/parenting/love-letters-to-my-kids

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