How Can You Tell if You Have Asthma

Coronavirus vs Asthma: How to Tell The Difference?

by Marc Goldstein, MD, Lath-Certified Allergist at The Asthma Centre

Practice I Have Greater Chance for Getting Coronavirus If I Have Asthma?

In a time when asthma symptoms may be flaring due to weather changes and seasonal spring pollens, people with asthma may worry whether their asthma may put them at risk for getting coronavirus (COVID-xix). It can be confusing because both asthma and coronavirus share symptoms of cough and shortness of breath. The good news that the chance of getting coronavirus for anyone with asthma is really no dissimilar than for someone without asthma. Getting coronavirus comes down to an private'southward exposure to suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus or to symptomatic carrier of SARS-CoV-2 virus (the virus that causes the COVID-nineteen infection). Therefore, to reduce your risk of getting coronavirus whether you take asthma or not, practice the social distancing, mitt washing, mask and glove protection, and surface disinfection that has been promoted by the CDC and public wellness and infectious disease experts (come across more here ).

What If I Accept Asthma and Coronavirus?

Though asthma does not in itself put you at greater risk to contract coronavirus, those individuals with some forms of asthma may be at take chances for complications and may get sicker from coronavirus. The Surgeon General of the United States, recently brought this to the attention of the American public. Yet, according to the CDC, this concern applies only to individuals with persistent moderate to severe asthma though there is no published information that really supports this assertion at this fourth dimension. Fortunately, the vast bulk of individuals with asthma have intermittent asthma meaning they have infrequent symptoms and use a rescue inhaler less than 2x/week not including preventative use earlier practise. Individuals with moderate persistent asthma are usually on a maintenance inhaler which contains moderate to high doses of inhaled steroids with or without long acting bronchodilators. Individuals with astringent persistent asthma are on college doses of inhaled steroids with or without biologic therapy ( Xolair, Nucala, Dupixent, Fasenra, Cinquair) and have significant limitations in lung function.

Since coronavirus can infect your respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs), the COVID-19 respiratory virus, like other respiratory viruses similar flu, can precipitate an asthma attack and possibly atomic number 82 to a viral pneumonia and in the worse case acute respiratory failure from ARDS (astute respiratory distress syndrome.).

How To Tell If My Coughing is From Coronavirus or Asthma?

Unfortunately, people can take both asthma and coronavirus. Here are a ready of tips to help empathise the symptoms that you feel.

  1. Typical coronavirus symptoms include fever (temperature over 100.4 degrees) , joint or musculus aches and pain, equally well equally dry cough and pregnant shortness of breath. Asthma normally does non cause fever unless accompanied past a respiratory infection and usually does not crusade the muscle and joint symptoms typical of coronavirus.
  2. Individuals with asthma frequently wheeze and feel tightness in the breast. These symptoms are less frequent with COVID -xix.
  3. For those who have had asthma for years and have gone through flares, their symptoms are very familiar. If some of your breast symptoms are atypical for you lot and y'all have fever likewise, information technology is worth speaking with your Asthma Center medico as to whether yous have COVID 1- 19 and be tested as well as getting your asthma nether control. COVID-19 can exacerbate your asthma and it is important to remember andindividual with asthma can experience symptoms from both an asthma flare and from COVID-nineteen.
  4. Seasonal asthma during the leap may be related to tree and grass pollen, and may also exist coupled with allergies in the nose, throat, eyes and ears. With those individuals having typical allergy symptoms in the context of coughing and even shortness of breath without fever, the latter symptoms are virtually likely allergy and asthma and not coronavirus. Coronavirus rarely causes sneezing, runny or stuffy nose. Both weather can cause loss of smell.

What Is The About Important Thing To Know If You Have Asthma During Coronavirus?

The most important matter an asthmatic individual should do at this time is make sure their asthma is well controlled and that they follow coronavirus precautions to prevent getting infected. Having your asthma controlled well helps keep your lung function at a higher level allowing you a meliorate adventure of getting through coronavirus in your lungs.

Coronavirus decreases the functioning of your lungs. For example, a well-controlled asthmatic with 90% of lung role (without coronavirus) will have an easier time of treatment a coronavirus infection in the lungs that decrease lung function to 60%. Compare this to a poorly-controlled asthmatic who starts at 70% of lung office and drops to twoscore% with a coronavirus pneumonia. Starting at a higher lung role by well-decision-making and treating your asthma, will help you better fight a coronavirus infection.

Seeing your health care provider at this fourth dimension (either through telemedicine or in office) is critical for you to improve your chances to shell coronavirus.

What Are Tips For Asthma Sufferers During Coronavirus?

Information technology is important also that your asthma symptoms are well controlled so that those around you practice not distort cough every bit a symptom of coronavirus when in fact the coughing is non infectious from asthma. The post-obit recommendations are important for those with asthma peculiarly those with persistent moderate to severe asthma. Post-obit these added precautions will decrease your chance of getting coronavirus and having your asthma flare with coronavirus.

  1. Go along your asthma well controlled with proper medication and using inhalers properly. This may require seeing your Asthma Centre provider in-person or through telemedicine.
  2. Go along your nose and optics articulate of allergies to forestall allergies from triggering your asthma.
  3. Exercise non cease your current asthma medicines or change your medication without speaking with your Asthma Center allergist. Do not finish your inhaled steroid medication. Some individuals stop their inhaled steroids because they are concerned they may suppress their allowed system. This is not the case and inhaled steroids are of import therapies to reduce asthma symptoms and prevent attacks.
  4. Make sure you take at to the lowest degree a 30 supply of your current and fill-in asthma medication on mitt in case you need to stay habitation for a long time.
  5. Avert your asthma triggers, which may mean you should only go outside when pollen exposure is least like in the late afternoon or evening or subsequently a pelting shower.
  6. If you are living with cats and or dogs which you are allergic too, your asthma may flare due to spending more time spent indoors and exposure to beast dander. Remove your pets from your sleeping accommodation, limit physical contact and run a HEPA filter in your bedroom and other rooms of your habitation where y'all spend time.
  7. During this time, it is natural to feel stressed and broken-hearted which may also trigger your asthma. If you find yourself in this state of affairs family, friends and customs leaders may be of back up every bit well as methods of behavioral relaxation which yous may discover online. For some, connecting with a therapist through telemedicine may too be beneficial.
  8. If possible, have someone without asthma exercise the disinfecting and cleaning of surfaces since many cleaning produces may induce asthma. Make certain you are not in the room when disinfectants are applied. Make sure the following surfaces remain clean and disinfected: phone remotes, tables, doorknobs, lights switches, counter tops, handles, desks, keyboards, toilets, faucets and sinks.
  9. There is some business organization that nebulizers if used by people infected with coronavirus may aerosolize viral droplets allowing the virus to stay in the air longer and increasing the risk of infecting others. Some hospitals have abandoned the use of nebulizers for this reason. At domicile, if you employ a nebulizer, it may exist of benefit to use information technology isolated from other household members and run a HEPA filter in the room as well to subtract the risk of infecting other people in your household.
  10. If chest symptoms develop and do not reply to initial backup medications and/or you lot have a fever with your chest symptoms, phone call your healthcare provider. The bottom line for people with asthma during the COVID-19 pandemic is to maintain control of your asthma with proper medication under the guidance of your health care provider. Maintaining social distancing, hand washing, wearing a protective mask and gloves outside your dwelling and surface disinfection,in addition to staying out of the emergency room for asthma flares will improve your chances to get through this outbreak.

The bottom line for people with asthma during the COVID-19 pandemic is maintain command of your asthma with proper medication under the guidance of the allergy and asthma specialist at The Asthma
Centre. Maintaining social distancing, hand washing, wearing protective mask and gloves outside your home, surface disinfection, in addition to staying out of the emergency for asthma flares volition maximize
your hazard of safely getting yous through this outbreak.

Telemedicine For Patients

The Asthma Center is available to provide the intendance you need during the coronavirus outbreak. While our offices are still open up for in-person visits, our board-certified allergy and asthma doctors will too exist bachelor for telemedicine appointments for patients. Please learn more here or by calling The Asthma Center at 215-569-1111 (in Pennsylvania) or 856-316-0300 (in New Jersey).

The information independent in this commodity is the sole property of The Asthma Center and may not exist repurposed for other use without permission from The Asthma Center.


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